December is upon us like a heavy snow that most folks in South Florida will only
experience in rem sleep. Give thanks for those sandy beaches that await! Think of the Improv scene you could create with characters on a beach buried in manufactured snow...
Boarding the plane to return to South Florida airline attendants lined up ticket holders in wheel chairs for early boarding. They refused my offer to host wheel chair races in the terminal nor did they appreciate the humor of it. That too would make an interesting
Improv scene premise.
A handsome elderly man and his wife stood in the aisle before me as I entered the plane. I offered to help them place their carry-on bags in the overhead compartment. The man’s wife declined for him sighting his virility while he continued to sweat profusely while struggling to get the bags up over his head. I would file these rich character archetypes in my brain for use later in Improv scenes. Life offers so many opportunities for transformation into art.
He who fears being conquered is certain of defeat-Napoleon In IMPROV make BOLD CHOICES! Bold choices leave no room for fear or defeat!
Happening this Week:
GUL Improv comedy drop-in workshop will be happening TH evening. THURSDAYS
TH (Dec 3rd) and every TH GUL Improv Comedy drop-in workshop 7-9pm at 5 Star Premier Residence 8500 Sunrise Blvd. Plantation FL 33322 Only $10 ($5 first time attendees) We will go over games to be played in SAT evenings show plus I’ll answer any questions. For those not in the show you will get plenty of play time cause as you know TH is a night of games and light skill work
SAT evening (December 5th) another free GUL/4x4 Comedy Improv show 8pm at
Circle of Friends 4603 N. University Dr. Lauderhill FL 33486. If you’re not in the show please come out and support your fellow Improvisers. There will be some new games, additional cast are playing and some roles are switched for variety. There will also be a jam at the end that audience is invited to join! Everyone plays! The games and cast are attached to this email. All cast members are in at least 3 games!!! Cast members please try to bring at least one person! It’s a FREE! Show. Details below.
then SUN it’s the 4x4 Improv Comedy drop-in workshop SUNDAYS
SUN (Nov 22nd) and every SUN 4x4 Improv Comedy drop-in workshop 2-4pm at Circle of Friends 4603 N. University Dr. Lauderhill FL 33351 Only $10 We will start drilling down on long form concepts and do some object work to grow your game! SUN is skill work, exercises and a game. Recommended for Improvisers with some experience.
Location: Circle of Friends & Stars 4603 N. University Dr. Lauderhill 33351
Cast member call time: 7pm (We will run tops and bottoms!)
Show time: 8pm
Dress: Black slacks or dark jeans/trousers if no black, black button down top, black dress shoes
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to email, text or call me. I’ve put everyone in at least 3 games! Helene won’t be with us this time. She’ll be
celebrating her Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Helene!
Patti Smith, NYC poet, author and musician: I waited patiently to meet her. It was a long wait, hours in fact… Finally Smith read from her new book at the time and
unexpectedly introduced Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea. Smith played a few songs with him. I could tell she was tired and uncomfortable with crowds. When I got up in front of her, I said I was in South Jersey when you were in South Jersey, I was also in Philly when you were in Philly, I was in NYC when you were in NYC and I was in Detroit when you were in Detroit…She looked up at me for a brief moment. It was providence she replied. Then her press agent pressed me to move on.
In IMPROV when we establish an emotional connection with our scene partner a scene can go anywhere. One thing is for certain, that the scene will be interesting! In IMPROV take your time establishing the connection if a character appears that parallels the press agent even better cause you have the conflict needed to heighten the scene.
Innovation is not easy. It takes hard work, great timing and some serious gumption - Elon Musk (Inventor, Investor, Business Magnate; Tesla Motors, Paypal, founder Space X)
In IMPROV feel the rhythm of the scene, plant yourself in the now then raise the stakes. Be relentless! Never give up! Take chances! Dare to fail!!!
See you in the movies or in the popcorn line! It’s your choice...
Greg Philippi
GotULaughing/4x4 Improv Comedy
GotULaughing/4x4 Improv Comedy
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